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Advisory Council

We work with forward-looking organizations who understand that joining the global education in key to drive innovation and super growth.

Prof. BK Pattanaik

Professor, School of Extension & Development Studies (SOEDS), IGNOU. New Delhi

Dr. Sandeep Berwal

Professor and Chairperson, Deptt. Of Education CRS University, Jind. Haryana

Dr. Nehal A. Farooquee

Professor, School of Extension & Development Studies (SOEDS), IGNOU. New Delhi

Dr. Usha Sharma

Professor, Department of Elementary Education (DEE), NCERT. New Delhi

Prof. Vandana Saxena

Professor, Central Institute of Education (CIE), University of Delhi.

Dr. Bharti Kaushik

Associate Professor, Department of Education od Groups with Special Needs (DEGSN), NCERT. New Delhi

Dr. Shobhit Wadhwa

Associate Professor, Amity College of Commerce and Finance, Amity University, NOIDA .

Dr. Rashmi Kumar

Ed.D. Specialist, STEM learning, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.A

Dr. Grace Don Nameching

Assistant Professor, School of Extension and Development Studies (SOEDS), IGNOU. New Delhi

Dr. Indrajeet Dutta

Assistant Professor, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, CTE, Bhopal. Madhya Pradesh

Dr. Priti Khanna

Rehabilitation Professional (Visual Impairment) at NAB (National Association for Blind), New Delhi.

Dr. Neeti Dutta

Assistant Professor, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, CTE, Bhopal. Madhya Pradesh

Dr. Charu Saini

Senior Consultant, Department of Elementary Education (DEE), NCERT. New Delhi

Mr. S. C. Kaushik

Educationist, QCI & NDMC New Delhi

Ms. Apranta Somayaji

Councellor & Psychologist, Mental Health & Recovery New Delhi

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