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Black History Month

BY: Vihaana Malhotra, 9 years, California, USA

Black History Month is about celebrating black people and how they fought for freedom and equal rights. People like Martin Luther King jr., Rosa Parks, and Ruby Bridges are celebrated this month of February for their bravery. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who did protests and said speeches such as his “I have a dream…” speech which created an appeal for justice for black-skinned people. Rosa Parks is known for not giving up her seat for a white person on a bus. Ruby Bridges was the first black person to go to an all-white school. These people were truly amazing and deserve to be celebrated.

Our Plea For Freedom
With the grass swaying to the wind up high, we work in the fields and sigh, “We wish we were free so please listen to our plea and grant us our freedom from slavery.”

The Raging Fire
The fire and flow of racism is not something we should accept, we are all equal and shouldn’t follow that path, we see the passion in Dr. King and Rosa Parks but aren’t making a change, the deaths are sad, yet we don’t change and stay the same.

– Vihaana Malhotra

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