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“What does Artificial Intelligence mean to you?”
Word Limit: Not more than 200 words
Age: 8-15 years (Both Inclusive)
Theme: Artificial Intelligence
Contest Closes on 28th August 2021

Express through a Paragraph What do you mean by Artificial Intelligence? We want to know: How does a child of today perceive Artificial Intelligence? What do they comprehend when they hear the term AI?

Criteria: Originality, Innovation & Creativity
What’s the award?
Winners receive ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ from RIEDU
Winners receive free paperback copy of Pole Star, Volume II – Artificial Intelligence with their published work and transcend as ‘The Young Editors’ for the Volume III of Pole Star.

Terms & Conditions
i) Like & Follow RIEDU Facebook & Instagram Page for contest announcement, details & results
ii) Mail entries to Write subject as ‘Paragraph Writing Contest: Artificial Intelligence’.
iii) Submit name, age, class, state/country, gender, disability (if any), hobbies & photo of the young participant along with the entry.
iv) The paragraph should be submitted in a word file along with the photo of the handwritten piece in child’s handwriting.
v) PLAGIARISM TEST SHALL BE CONDUCTED. Please share references if used.
vi) All the entries will be property of RIEDU once submitted & RIEDU holds the copyright, to be used as & when required. The participant will be intimated.
vii) Please read RIEDU’s Privacy Policy mentioned at

Let's work together

You want to contribute an article/ story, work with us, connect, suggest or share thoughts. Contact Us

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