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Siyona Shetty

My Experience Working With You RIEDU:

I was a sapling,
I wanted to shake arms with the sky,
Hug the clouds,
And see the sun twinkle in the eye.

And while I grew taller everyday,
Watered and warmed with care,
The sky couldn’t see me,
I grew taller elsewhere.

And then one day,
I painted myself with mottled flowers,
And the flowers’s kaleidoscopic dazzle,
Was like a superpower!

Which is when,
You RIEDU like the fertilizers!
Saw the flowers adorned,
Took my hand and pulled me higher.

Into a paradise,
Where dewdrops sit naive,
Where honeysuckle dances,
And roses glare proud and brave.

And you take me closer to the sky,
With each flower I let aroma flow,
And when I shake hands with the sky,
With you RIEDU I GLOWED!!!

Best Regards,
Siyona Shetty
YE, Batch I

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