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Reconnaissance Survey – Artificial Intelligence

Preliminary Survey for RIEDU’s Inhouse Publication on Artificial Intelligence: A research-based children’s book formulated from UN SDG 4.7 having an inclusive editorial board comprising children (8-15 years) from across 4 continents.

Please find enclosed a survey questionnaire (link attached). The purpose of the survey is to explore the level of understanding regarding Artificial Intelligence in a child of 8 – 15 years. 

Guidelines for Task I 

1.      No prerequisite is required to fill the form.

2.      The only criteria to be followed: All respondents must belong to the age group of 8-15 years.

3.      Please keep in mind, there is no correct or wrong answer. Let the child respond according to his/ her understanding. 

6.      The responses are required to be in English.

7.      The responses filled shall be automatically saved. 

Click the link below to take the survey:


Take Survey

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