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Happy New Year!

2024 is here, and we hope to begin it with good wishes and positive aspirations. So, put out your hopes and dreams for the New Year by telling us about your New Year’s Wish. Let’s dream big and hope to do our best work yet.

Age: 10 – 15 years (Both Inclusive)
Theme: My New Year’s Wish
Word Limit: 250 – 300 words

Contest duration: 1st – 30th January, 2024

Judging Criteria: Creativity, adherence to the theme, writing style, and overall impact.

Win exciting prizes!!!!! All the winners receive a pdf version of RIEDU’s publication to read and enjoy.

How to Apply:

  1. Mail your entry to along with the participant’s name, age, gender, class, school, place, country hobby, disability (if any) and photo of the child latest by 1st – 30th January 2024.
  2. We require an undertaking by the parent/ guardian stating that the entry is an unpublished & original work of the participant.
  3. The subject of the email must say “MY NEW YEAR’S WISH”
  4. Written documents must be uploaded in a Word file.

Terms & Conditions:

  1. Like and follow RIEDU’s Facebook/ Instagram/ LinkedIn page for further announcements, and updates.
  2. There is a difference between inspiration and plagiarism. PLAGIARISM WILL BE CHECKED & IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. We recognize the originality of a child’s thought and value the creative imagination more than perfection.
  3. All the entries will be the property of RIEDU once submitted.


Plagiarism: Strictly prohibited. All entries will be checked for originality.
Copyright: By submitting stories, participants grant organizers non-exclusive rights to publish or share stories for promotional purposes on our website or feature in the newsletter, DIVERSIVE.
Submission: Email entries in digital format (Word document) to
Please note that no entries will be entertained after the deadline – 30th January, 2024.

Let's work together

You want to contribute an article/ story, work with us, connect, suggest or share thoughts. Contact Us

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