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Children’s Corner

What does a girl want?

By Barminder Kaur, 9 years, New Delhi, India       What does a girl want Well, it is hard to say that in a single... More


By: Ashwath Chelladurai, 15 years, Class 10th, Tamil Nadu, India  It was a fine morning, the dawning sun shone brightly I did not know... More

The Courage to Survive

by Shahmeer Adnan, 09 years, Grade 04, Pakistan Hobbies: Drawing, Painting, Football Playing, Taekwondo As they say: “All is well, that... More


by Lavanya Sharma, 12 years, Delhi, India  Origin of Silambam Silambam is martial arts of India originated in Tamil Nadu  ... More

INSPIRE: The Magical Fruit

Story by By Navya Nanda, 9 years, NOIDA, India Once upon a time, there were three friends, Sofia, Julie, and Eva They were searching for... More

Gangaur: The Core of Rajasthani Culture

By: Aanya Mundhra, 8 years, Grade IV, New Delhi, India My father belongs to a town called Bikaner in the city of Rajasthan, India Like most... More

Bobbee Bee – RIEDU’s Inspire Series Story of BEE

RIEDU's Inspire Series - Story of BEE Story 1 - Bobbee BEE By Prisha Gaur, 12 Years, Class 8, Modern School, Barakhamba Road, New... More

Black History Month

BY: Vihaana Malhotra, 9 years, California, USA Black History Month is about celebrating black people and how they fought for freedom and equal... More

Ancient City of Pompeii

By Ayush Khare, 8 years, San Ramon California USA Pompeii is an ancient city in Italy that is at least two thousand years old It is famous for... More


Written by ANEKE JANE CHIOMA, 10years, River Estate, Nigeria Today, I will be talking about my culture but firstly, let's define, what is culture... More

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